When you learn about your child’s CHD from a pediatric cardiologist, they usually describe the type of care your child will need and suggest a hospital that treats the specific heart condition. After you absorb the news that your child needs heart surgery, you may wonder how to find the best place for your child’s care.
Many families choose to follow their physician’s hospital recommendation and most get excellent care. Some families do look at other options, and they may select a different hospital than the one their physician initially suggested.
Comparing hospitals, cardiac centers, or surgeons is very difficult because each one has many strengths. Ultimately, you need to decide on the one that feels right for you and your family.
There are many things to consider if your family wants to explore hospitals – including your values, beliefs, resources, and circumstances. There are also some basic things to look for as you research and evaluate other options.
Always talk with your pediatric cardiologist if you are thinking about changing the plan for your child’s care and going to another hospital. Your conversations with the physician who knows you, your family situation, and your child’s heart condition are the most reliable information you will get about how to find the best care for your child.
Possible Factors in Your Hospital Choice
Exploring Pediatric Cardiac Programs
If your child’s CHD diagnosis means they will require repeated surgeries – or if you are told your child will need complex care – it may be useful to see if your hospital offers a pediatric cardiac program for specialized care.
A program is a group of medical professionals with expertise in an area working together to provide highly specialized care at a hospital. When a hospital develops a program, they devote money and time to deliver care to specific types of patients with complex needs in a thorough and consistent way.
Programs typically coordinate a patient’s care with multiple types of medical professionals. This means that your child would receive an exceptionally high level of care from many different types of specialists within the same hospital, without the added burden of you having to arrange this care yourself. You can feel confident that a hospital with an established pediatric cardiac program has experience with the complex care your child may need.
Common Types of Pediatric Cardiac Programs
There are many types of pediatric cardiac programs. While some programs focus on very rare forms of CHD, there are several common programs that you will see most often in your research.
1. Interstage Program (IP)
An IP is for children with one pumping chamber (single ventricle). Infants between two staged surgeries are monitored closely at home through frequent phone check-ins with nurses.
2. Single Ventricle Program (SVP)
An SVP is for children with one pumping chamber (single ventricle). This program typically organizes complex care from multiple types of medical professionals. It also assesses a child’s development and advocates for special services in your child’s school if needed.
3. Neurodevelopmental Program (NDP)
An NDP will help identify and treat developmental, behavioral, or learning challenges in children with CHD.
4. Heart Failure/Transplant Program (HFP)
An HFP manages treatment for children with heart muscle weakness. This may include medication, devices that assist the blood flow to the body, or a heart transplant.
How to Research Pediatric Cardiac Hospitals
When you are researching hospitals online, it is important to get information from multiple sources. You develop a better perspective when you learn how many people feel about a hospital because everyone has different priorities and opinions.
Here are some places to get started in your online research. While each of these resources may give you some information, what you read on one website should not be the only basis for a major decision regarding your child’s care. Always talk with your pediatric cardiologist if you find information online that makes you want to go to another hospital than the one your physician recommends.
Hospital Websites
Hospitals spend a lot of resources to communicate their successes and expertise online. Pediatric cardiac surgery is often a very important source of revenue for a hospital, so they actively market their services.
When you look at a children’s hospital website, do a keyword search for:
- Heart Center
- Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Heart Surgery
- Pediatric Cardiology
Independent Sources
Online Reviews
Look for reviews of the hospital online to learn about their areas of expertise, annual surgical volume, cardiac programs, and any other information you are interested in. Be aware that online reviews can be biased and may not represent the general experience of patients.
Julie Sachse, Parent
Theresa Tacy, Physician
See the full list of contributors to the CHD Care Compass
Last Update: October 21, 2021