During your CHD care journey, there may be times when you feel uncertain and confused about the future. It’s very common to feel uncertain when you do not have all of the answers or do not know exactly what will happen.
Unfortunately, you cannot avoid uncertainty in medicine. A physician may give you a diagnosis or prognosis with vague terms like “might” or “maybe” that are not comforting when you urgently want to know everything about your baby.
While uncertainty is a fact in medicine, it can help to identify where the uncertainties exist and ask your physicians for any information that can give you more clarity.
Uncertainty can cause parents to feel helpless, inadequate, distressed, or anxious. So it’s especially important that you learn how to manage any uncertainty you have in a situation.
When there is not a clear path ahead, you can reduce uncertainty by learning more from your care team and filling in as many gaps as possible about your child’s heart condition.
Common Sources of Uncertainty
“Inconclusive” Test Results
Sometimes the quality of the information may be incomplete, since not all imaging is perfect. A test may reveal something, and the physicians may not be certain what the finding means. This can be very confusing and upsetting, since you go to a test with hope that the results will be clear, not “inconclusive.”
The Need to “Wait and See”
In the case of a prenatal diagnosis, the physicians may want to see how the baby develops during the rest of the pregnancy before they reach conclusions about the heart’s condition. Similarly, they may need to observe your baby after birth to know the prognosis. In these situations, uncertainty about your baby’s heart during pregnancy is unavoidable.
The Healthcare System
Managing the healthcare system can add to your feelings of uncertainty from a very practical standpoint. For many parents it can take time to understand what the different care providers do and how they work together as a team. Every medical office runs a little differently, and you may feel rushed to schedule more appointments – sometimes without an explanation of the purpose. You may also struggle to understand how medical insurance works.
Major Unknowns and Decisions
It can be difficult to get a handle on how many ways a CHD diagnosis will impact your family. While the answers will come in time, you naturally want to know what the diagnosis means for your child’s life. Among many other things, you may also wonder what caused the heart defect, or question where you should get treatment and what will happen after.
What You Can Do to Help Manage Uncertainty
PARENT TIPUncertainty Can Impact Your Emotions
For some parents the personal cost of uncertainty is feelings of anxiety, loneliness, not knowing how to feel, and possibly even blaming themselves for the CHD. Anxiety can persist long after the diagnosis if there’s no explanation for the irregularity, and you may fear that the same thing could happen in future pregnancies if no one can tell you why this happened.
Parents who are struggling with the uncertainties of a CHD diagnosis often find it helps to talk with a mental health professional. If you are experiencing strong emotional reactions, you can also tell the care team that you need to keep a positive and hopeful outlook to maintain your psychological health through the pregnancy or treatment.
There are a lot of ways to get help through the uncertainty, and it’s important for your health and your child’s to find the emotional support that you need.
Chandani DeZure, Parent
Rachel Kotheimer, Parent
Theresa Tacy, Physician
See the full list of contributors to the CHD Care Compass
Last Update: November 2, 2021Learn more and connect with other families