Emotional Impacts of CHD on Parents

Noun Medical History

You will face significant challenges on the CHD care journey. While every parent deals with difficulties in their own way and time, it’s critical to pay attention to your emotions and get support when you need it.

Reactions to a CHD Diagnosis

Learning that your child has congenital heart disease is a traumatic event that can cause emotional, physical, and spiritual reactions or distress.


Managing Uncertainty

During your CHD care journey, there may be times when you feel uncertain and confused about the future.


Where to Find Emotional Support

Your family will be living with CHD for a lifetime, so learning how to manage stress and get the support you need is important for the wellbeing of you and your family.


Coping With the Loss of a Child

Even with the best care available, it is a sad reality that some forms of CHD do have a high chance of a long hospitalization and possibly death.

